Woman of a Certain Age.
A memoir project in real time.
100 weeks away from a milestone birthday. 50 things to do before I turn 50. One essay each fortnight, exploring and celebrating the passing of time.

All of our days are numbered
Well, here I am: 100 weeks away from a mega milestone birthday. It’s as good an excuse as any to begin something, to start a little tracking project that will be a motivator, a marker, maybe a muse. Ageing is a fascinating journey that we’re all constantly on, and taking a moment to step back and have a good old look at it is confronting — but it can also be celebratory. What a privilege to live another day. What a joy to learn something, to have an experience, to go somewhere or do something new.
I have a list of 50 things I want to do before I turn 50. I’m aiming to do one each fortnight. They’re not big — they’re not about travel or pilgrimages or bloody bungee jumping. Rather they stem from thinking about things previously unconsidered, revisiting pages left unturned, or finally tackling tasks I’ve put off.
There will be blood, and knitting, and running, and writing. There’ll be soul-searching and do-gooding, excitement and exploration, definitely some tree-hugging and bird-watching, and maybe even some really boring touch typing lessons.
Join me on this ride. We can pop some champers together when I make it to the destination.
But really, the journey is the important bit — isn’t it?